Second Siege Bazaar, Market Atmosphere

I was at 2 Bazaars on Siege, first time, I was blue and a little scared for all the reds. Second time, I was red and more scared of the many blues. I was choosen to be one of the guards so I had to control my fear and do the job. It was an easy job, had to kill a thief, who was stealing our chairs and believe I did success keep the horses safe from being food for the ORCs.

I wish I still had pics from the event but fear they are lost with an old harddrive. If someone should have images from the event, I will love to use a few on this page.

Not all do have a perfect English as UO players comes from all over the world. Not much action except some drunk and hungry ORCs 🙂

I will leave a list of visitors in the bottom of the page

Market Atmosphere

SLAM-ODR: hi Freja
Talarion Silver: where have useen wilber?
Sonnet: Just didn’t hook up for this one.
Sonnet: yet.
Gorthug: Oooo
Gorthug: Shope tingie
Freja: Ug
Rok: har!
Lil Hoodlum: or would you do it for me sis?
Rok: ROk jsut stonel big olig from dis humie
Lil Hoodlum: theres a townee
Sonovan: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Ogur: *hic*
Grrugahk: *hic*
Lil Hoodlum: of some guild
Sonnet: I think you should get to know a guild before you join.
Lil Hoodlum: ill go talk to him
Rak Thor: gah
Rak Thor: opoo
Bugor: *hic*
Rak Thor: fuud
Rak Thor: *sniffs horse*
K’Dahbruh: ?
Bugor: *hic*
Freja: 🙂
Smokey: Frag out#$%$
Bugor: *hic*
You see Smokey attacking Na’anomi!
You see Smokey attacking Hatter the Mad!
You see Smokey attacking Tengu!
You see Smokey attacking Redgrav!
You see Smokey attacking IsaacChickenhawk!
You see Smokey attacking Reginald VII!
Bugor: *hic*
K’Dahbruh: Har!
IsaacChickenhawk: =)
K’Dahbruh: Him ded
Reginald VII: SMOKEY!!!
Na’anomi: yub
Na’anomi: 😉
Redgrav: icq
Parfug: WUt bname?
Gimb’be: me drunzs
Freja: hehe
Parfug: Wut name?
Redgrav: sorry
Ogur: yub gud cidur
Tengu: And the illustrius Temple of Mondain…good to see you here…
Santa’s elves: Does anyone have any questions thus far?
Ogur: *hic*
Luba’Narkuu: *stumbles around drunk*
Sir Avatar: ahhh
Luba’Narkuu: oooooo
Sarai: hehe
Sir Avatar: an antidote
Sir Avatar: *Grins*
Luba’Narkuu: *blurry eyes*
Sarai: the orcs are drunk!
Sarai: hehe
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
Freja: hehe
Sarai: hail Freja!!!
Sarai: Hugs!
Freja: hail
Sarai: I have a special snack for you!
Grut: *hic*
Sarai: a quiche!
Freja: nice to be here
Grut: *hic*
Sarai: hehe
You see: baked quiche
Grut: *hic*
Sarai: looks like a nice mob outthere!
Sarai: hewhe
Sarai: all going ok?
Sarai: I cant see as well as I would like
You see Grut attacking Mangar Of Minoc!
Freja: I did not like the dragon
Sarai: heeh
Sarai: oh!
Sarai: OH!
Bugor: *hic*
Sarai: they attack you!
Sarai: I forgot all about that!
Sarai: how horrible!
Freja: dangerous
Sarai: stay up here with me!
Sarai: hugs!
Rak Thor: *munches food*
Bugor: *hic*
Sarai: hugs orc!!!
Rak Thor: gah!
Bugor: *hic*
Sarai: please eat!
Sarai: hehe
Sarai: NO hugs NO hugs
Rak Thor: ukee
Sarai: Mom forgets
Sarai: hehe
Freja: just not my horse
Rak Thor: lat seen agh hummie breedur named cameo?
Bugor: *hic*
Rak Thor: me luukin fur sum new buuts
Rak Thor: *rubs feet*
Sarai: not seen them today!
Rak Thor: gah
Bugor: *hic*
Sarai: but I have been her all the time
Rak Thor: dat ukee me find fuud
Rak Thor: *sniffs horse*
Sarai: hehe
Rak Thor: gah
Rak Thor: crazee hummies ridun doze tings
Freja: nub bite my horse
Rak Thor: dey cuuk jus guud!
Freja: *hic*
Rak Thor: gah
Freja: *hic*
Freja: *hic*
Clay: thanks again Sarai. hey, whose yer guild anyways?
Sarai: alliance for Sosarian trade
Sarai: but they do know..
Freja: *hic*
Sarai: one day I hope to have my own family
Grrugahk: *hic*
Sarai: they are very good to me
Grrugahk: *hic*
Sarai: Im glad to be with them now
Clay: They’re stationed here, eh?
Ogur: warboss big grump
Sarai: aye..
Grrugahk: *hic*
Sarai: and at Britain
Grrugahk: har
Grrugahk: *nods*
Sarai: hail..
Ogur: *grinz*
Ogur: *hic*
Grrugahk: *hic*
Sarai: uhh
Bugor: mmm
Grrugahk: *hic*
Sarai: orc with awful name
Bugor: fud
Sarai: hehe
Grrugahk: him tells lat stay ‘way too?
Bugor: les bring dis fud
Grrugahk: *hic*
Freja: hehe
Bugor: bak tu fort
Ogur: hur hur
Grrugahk: him tolds us dat
Freja: *hic*
Bugor: gud fud
Ogur: yub yub
Grrugahk: *hic*
Freja: You feel sober.
Sarai: Warboss need special food?
Clay: well if you ever need a crew member on a voyage, I’m up for hire.
Bugor: me ulways want fud lik lat
Sarai: deal!
Sarai: hehe
Clay: Works been slow lately
Freja: I will go down again
Sarai: thanks!
Bugor: will lat be urk friend?
Grrugahk: we gabes him ded birdes
Sarai: be careful!
Grrugahk: yub we did
Ogur: *hic*
Sarai: EEK!
Ogur: big olig
Rok: *looks thirsty*
Sarai: what is happening?
Rok: YUB
Rok: Hoowah! Hoowah!
Clay: Smells like a good ol fashioned brawl
Ogur: hur hur
Kelly Kindred: someone summoned eath eles
Ogur: dat funee
IsaacChickenhawk: heh
Sarai: *neon sign saying ImaCoward starts to flash*
Ogur: humie gib rok olig
Rok: *slurps down troll cider*
Clay: That reminds me. I haven’t had a fight in the last ten minutes
Ogur: rok clomp oomy wit olig
Kelly Kindred: hehe
Sarai: I think Ill stay up here!
Kelly Kindred: lol
Rok: *hic*
Ogur: *hic*
Kelly Kindred: not my fight
Sarai: hehe
Clay: Thanks for the hospitality Sarai
Tyria: Greetings
Sarai: safest place for a cook!
Rok: *drinks*
Sarai: anytime!
Sarai: glad you came!
Clay: But this sailors gotta find a fight before dinner
Rok: Ug der humie
Sarai: HAHA
Tyria: yer looking spiffy there
Rok: lat smel llike flowerz
Sarai: helps the digestion!
Rok: har!
Ogur: nub nub
Sarai: you are most kind
Sarai: please..
Freja: I will try to go down
Tyria: yer all dressed up
IsaacChickenhawk: so I can eat guilt free
Ogur: *hic*
Sarai: that is too much for a tip!
Sarai: HAH
Rok: *hic*
Sarai: then.. the special stuff for yoU!
Santa’s elves: Any guild signing offical pact is posted on out website
Santa’s elves: our
Kelly Kindred: i hear orcs eat horses
Grot: I had thought that was what this meeting was for
Santa’s elves: We will post all your guild info and a POC for your gui;ld
Parfug: Yub we eet dat fuud lat ride
Grot: to sign such pacts
Kelly Kindred: meeting?
Parfug: If anyash gu past gard
Kelly Kindred: hmm
Santa’s elves: aye
Parfug: dem ged clomped
Freja: Hi Santa
Na’anomi: *nods*
Santa’s elves: Hi Ferja 🙂
Kelly Kindred: hi Santa
Na’anomi: What is the web-address for this treaty?
Santa’s elves: sorry mispelled
Grut: *hic*
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Na’anomi: thank thee sir
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
IsaacChickenhawk: just peeking around
IsaacChickenhawk: hehe
Grut: *hic*
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
IsaacChickenhawk: this is good
Gimb’be: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Reginald VII: what?
Fabius Bile: Well, it was a while ago
Reginald VII: missed that?
Fabius Bile: And I’m not sure of the details
Fabius Bile: Seems to have calmed down
Lil Hoodlum: does your guild fight a lot?
Mangar Of Minoc: aye it does
IsaacChickenhawk: I like they way they used existing structures
Ja’Rule: (I was SC for a while =))
Grut: *hic*
Sul’grek: Sul hab tu find ib dem sellin fasez dis tiam
Ogur: *hic*
SLAM-ODR: Kal Vas Flam – Flame Strike
Gorthug: Ooo
Sul’grek: lat gruk ib dem ar?
SLAM-ODR: Kal Vas Flam – Flame Strike
Ja’Rule: Yub yub…
Gorthug: dezurt tingie
SLAM-ODR: Kal Vas Flam – Flame Strike
Gorthug: *rolls in sand*
Eldroch: slammy ya didnt hit gm mage yet?
Eldroch: =P
Eldroch: hail
Ramalama: Vas Rel Por – Gate Travel
Tengu: Armour and weapons for Sale by Imperium Industries. Just outside the East Gate!
Fabius Bile: Well, too many fools around
Mangar Of Minoc: *smiles*
Mangar Of Minoc: yes ive noticed
Freja: fools
Freja: ?
Fabius Bile: We’ve moved into a larger home now
Mangar Of Minoc: *raises eyebrow*
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
K’Dahbruh: Tink dem humies mind if we clomp it?
Gimb’be: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
K’Dahbruh: Yub yub
Rok: *hic*
Rok: *stumbles*
Luba’Narkuu: Uruks nub hab anee
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
Ogur: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Luba’Narkuu: Dey leeb id lyin rown
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
Ogur: *points at rok*
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Ogur: HAR
Luba’Narkuu: Meen dey nub wunt id
Rok: Ey
K’Dahbruh: It sayin EET MEE
Luba’Narkuu: Gah
Gorthug: *hic*
Rok: ders dub of dem!
Luba’Narkuu: Huw fuud ged ober der?
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Sarai: back!
Luba’Narkuu: Der fuud ib
Gorthug: *hic*
Grut: mm
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
Luba’Narkuu: Me tink dis mojo fuud
Bugor: need more drinki
Ogur: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Rok: gah
Rok: humies
K’Dahbruh: Humies nub notice it gone
Bugor: yub yub
Rok: *hic*
Luba’Narkuu: Me nub wunt clomp mojo fuud
Rok: *whispers*
Grut: grut dus!
Grut: *hic*
Rok: when humies leabe we eat dis horse
Luba’Narkuu: YUB!
Grut: *hic*
Grut: okee
Rok: *fart*
Gorthug: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Grut: les hide da horsee
Luba’Narkuu: dat guud ideer
Sarai: hail gruntee!
Gorthug: *hic*
You see: Smokey (evil)
Luba’Narkuu: Ukee
Rok: ey humies
Gorthug: Ug humie breedur
Ogur: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Luba’Narkuu: How we hidee id?
Sarai: HAHAH
Grut: hr
Gorthug: *hic*
Rok: udder humies want lat downbelow
Sarai: they are all smashed
Sarai: hehe
Gorthug: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Ogur: yub dem kawlun yu
Gorthug: *hic*
Mangar Of Minoc: *glares at the orcs*
Rok: errrrr
Grut: yub yub
Gorthug: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Rok: humies all need go down
Grut: bery importunt me heer
Rok: for meetin
Rok: yub
Rak Thor: *sniffs horse*
Rak Thor: yub
K’Dahbruh: Uh oh – heer annudder wun
Ogur: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Rak Thor: an dey hab tu leeb der fuud heer
Sarai: hail
Rok: *plots ways to kill horse and eat it*
Gorthug: *hic*
Rak Thor: gu down fur agh meetun
Smokey: ‘lo mam
Rak Thor: an leeb der fuud heer
Sarai: please help yourself!
Mangar Of Minoc: what !?
Freja: not bite it
K’Dahbruh: Hey humie
Rak Thor: dat wut dey say
Sarai: this is free today!
Gorthug: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Smokey: 🙂
Mangar Of Minoc: huh !?
Smokey: *hic*
Bugor: *pays*
Rak Thor: sumash bubhosh hummie
Rak Thor: him sey
Rok: *plots ways to kill horse and eat it*
Rok: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Mangar Of Minoc: this is not yer fort
Rak Thor: all of lats neeb tu gu down der fur a meeting
K’Dahbruh: We nub gunna eet dis hurse – reely!!
Gorthug: *hic*
Fabius Bile: Hail Sarai
Gorthug: *hic*
Rak Thor: an leeb lats fuud an lats ridee fuuds heer
Mangar Of Minoc: *smiles*
Rak Thor: wid da uruks
Smokey: Thank yeh kindly
Sarai: HAIL!
Smokey: Needed that
Sarai: Fab!
Ogur: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Gimb’be: *hic*
Sarai: hugs hugs!
Sarai: hehe
Rok: :poks fat horse
Sarai: miss you!
Tyria: ‘ello Freja
Grut: dis nub werkin…
Fabius Bile: Aye, you are well?
Rok: humm
Freja: hello
Sarai: yes!
Gorthug: *hic*
Sarai: having fun!
Sarai: hhe
Grut: me tink we jus clomp id
Rak Thor: dat… fuud lat is ridin
Rok: ey mojoka
Tyria: Thanks Fer coming
Bugor: den we eat!
Grut: *hic*
Fabius Bile: Thank you
Bugor: har har hr
Sarai: hehe
Rak Thor: *sniffs horse*
Freja: nice to see you
Luba’Narkuu: Yub
Ogur: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Sarai: orcs eat meat!
Luba’Narkuu: Dat guud
Rok: we take dis food to fort wit us?
Tyria: Aye
Freja: thx
Sul’grek: *petz fuud*
Luba’Narkuu: Mojoka
Sarai: meat on tables
Rak Thor: gah!
Grut: *hic*
K’Dahbruh: Yub yub
Sarai: not meat on hoof!
Luba’Narkuu: Me tink lat makee hole
Sarai: hehe
Rak Thor: me is surownded by fuud!
Gorthug: *hic*
Sul’grek: lat guin eet dat?
Luba’Narkuu: Agh stik fuud in hole
Sarai: hehe
Ogur: wat bowt ubber fud ?
Rak Thor: an hummies dat is ridun id
Rak Thor: ey
Rak Thor: dub hummies
Sarai: exactly!
Rok: ders more?
Fabius Bile: Well, let an orc try to eat my horse
Rok: *looks astonished*
Rok: *hic*
Sarai: smart orc!
Sarai: hehe
Sul’grek: oooo
Rak Thor: sumash bubhosh hummie say dat lats wuz wanted at agh meeting
Ogur: dat buurz ash ober der
Rok: *hic*
Sul’grek: rulg
Freja: eat that
Rok: Yub
Freja: not my horse
Rak Thor: an tu leeb lats horsus heer
Sul’grek: ukie
Sarai: hi SLAM!
Rak Thor: yub yub
Tyria: How is the life of a highway women?
Gorthug: *hic*
Sarai: how are you!
Grut: ‘ey!
SLAM-ODR: thx fine
Freja: it’s fine
Ogur: ash fud nub nuff fer awl dese uruks
Grut: luk down der!
Gorthug: *hic*
Grut: is dat oomie
Grut: lord…bishish!
Rok: *hic*
Grut: der him ib!
Sarai: ooo!
Sarai: a tip!
Rak Thor: wad?
Rok: ders humie meetin down der!
Sarai: hot dog!
Bugor: ooh
Bugor: yub
Rak Thor: Lurd busihsush?
Grut: pss…pley alung
Gorthug: *hic*
Rak Thor: Dat stinkee pushdug!
Freja: only died once
Grut: Der him ib!
Sul’grek: har
Tyria: Are ye riding alone or with others now?
Bugor: agh him seys
Rak Thor: Ey!
Gorthug: har har har
Bugor: git off lat horzes
Rak Thor: der is lord biddush down der!
Luba’Narkuu: *bites horse*
Parfug: [Warboss, Orc]
You see: Parfug
Luba’Narkuu: mmmmmmm
SLAM-ODR: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
Freja: Shira got me last night
K’Dahbruh: *drools on the horse*
Rok: *pulls horses tail*
Freja: 🙂
SLAM-ODR: jeez
SLAM-ODR: *hic*
Tyria: Ahhh
SLAM-ODR: i never hit all names again
Tyria: Shira came intotown
Gorthug: Me gruk dis fuud!
SLAM-ODR: *hic*
Tyria: And broke the law
Freja: no
Rak Thor: ey hummies der is da hummie lord, lord biddush down der
Rok: *pulls horses tail*
Grut: *looks at humies*
Rok: *hic*
Tyria: And we killed
Luba’Narkuu: *sniff*
Gorthug: Dis dat Tolkein humie’s fuud!
Rak Thor: har har
Grut: we ged ash!
Sarai: hehe
Luba’Narkuu: *sniff sniff*
Gorthug: *chomp*
Freja: oh
Sarai: pulls horses tail!
Sarai: hehe
Tyria: aye
Sarai: look!
Sarai: hes pulling his tail!
Gorthug: Me tazte id befure
Rok: *pulls horses tail*
Sarai: heheh
Sarai: LOL!
Sul’grek: dat jus Parfug
Sarai: Hugs!
Sul’grek: har
Tyria: He was nice enough to be carrying 3500 gold
Rok: ey humie
Sarai: poor horsie!
Sarai: hehe
Rok: *hic*
K’Dahbruh: Me tink all da humies shud gu agh let us take care ob hurses
Rak Thor: *pulls horses tail*
Grut: ick
Rak Thor: Har har!
Sarai: HAHAH
Grut: oomies ebryware
Rok: me trade lat some fedders for dat fuud lats riding
Rak Thor: yub!
Freja: damn urks
Sarai: HUGS!!!
Sarai: ARryn!
Gorthug: Gah!
Arryn Ta’Kier: Hello sarai
Sarai: hi hi!
Arryn Ta’Kier: *smiles*
Gorthug: Me feel sobur
Tyria: what is that smell?
Arryn Ta’Kier: How’s life been for you?
Freja: alwas trying to get my horse
Sarai: what can I serve you today?
Arryn Ta’Kier: we’ve missed yu at the tavern
Gorthug: *hic*
Rak Thor: dat me
Rok: Oops
Tyria: Oops
Rak Thor: surry
Tyria: Sorry
K’Dahbruh: Dis wun luuk like guud fuud – me meen hurse
Ogur: *farts loudly*
Rak Thor: Ey wut dat smell?
Grut: hrm
Arryn Ta’Kier: they’re trying to
Grut: GAAH!
Rak Thor: Id smell lik, hummie pushdug!
Tyria: ummm
Grut: oomies ebryware!
Rak Thor: *sniffs*
Gorthug: *pats fuud*
Sarai: therre
Tyria: *looks nervous*
You see: Santa’s elves
Rok: *hic*
Rak Thor: Yub dat lat!
Sarai: please
Rok: gah
Arryn Ta’Kier: talk me into submission over at the diplomat’s table
Rok: *hic*
Rok: wine!
Sarai: help yourself!
Sarai: hehe
Rok: *spits*
Freja: nub bite it
Rok: *hic*
Tengu: Armour and weapons for Sale by Imperium Industries. Just outside the East Gate!
Grut: *frowns*
Ogur: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
Kelly Kindred: hehe
Rok: Hoowah
Arryn Ta’Kier: *hic*
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
Ogur: *chugs some cider*
Santa’s elves: thx Sarai
Rok: Troll cider!
Arryn Ta’Kier: Ahh
Arryn Ta’Kier: *hic*
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Arryn Ta’Kier: that’s better
Grut: Ug
Sarai: always!
Sarai: hehe
SLAM-ODR: *hic*
Arryn Ta’Kier: Thank sarai
Rok: Troll cider!
Grut: *squints*
Ogur: *hic*
Arryn Ta’Kier: *hic*
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Rak Thor: ooo
Luba’Narkuu: Lat blah peese?
Arryn Ta’Kier: *bows*
Grut: hoo yu??!
Kelly Kindred: aak
Tyria: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
Tyria: Mmmm
Rok: Rok got troll cider!
Na’anomi: Me hummi
Parfug: Har
Tyria: *hic*
Luba’Narkuu: *hic*
Grut: err
Parfug: Nub wurry
Grut: fort am gud
Na’anomi: From *m*
Rok: Rok got troll cider!
Arryn Ta’Kier: *hic*
SLAM-ODR: *rulps*
Parfug: me b;ah dem nub ged clomped
Grut: ACK!
Grut: Humie!
Rak Thor: *sniffs*
Na’anomi: Dat guud
Tyria: Sarai poured that one stiff
Tyria: *hic*
Arryn Ta’Kier: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Parfug: if dem gib tribute
Luba’Narkuu: Ooooo
Na’anomi: Me was Urk at ober place
Ogur: *hic*
Luba’Narkuu: Dat smurt
Rok: Rok got troll cider!
Na’anomi: me blah urk guud
Rok: *drinks*
Gorthug: *hic*
Na’anomi: Me miss furt 🙁
Rak Thor: anubash got agh hurus we kin eet har har
Ogur: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Sarai: hehe
Grut: *bashes stool over your head*
Rok: *hic*
Sarai: who is stealing the meat pies?
Rak Thor: dat dumhed fuzzy
Sarai: hehe
Na’anomi: *dodges quickly*
Ogur: har har har !!
Rak Thor: id annoyed tuu much
Santa’s elves: Selling armor to order shadow/copper/agapite
Gorthug: *stretch*
Rok: *hic*
Arryn Ta’Kier: Sorry
Grut: dis oomie spy!
Kelly Kindred: blast!
Ogur: dat hadda hurt
Tyria: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Rak Thor: oo
Na’anomi: spy?
Rak Thor: mojo hole!
Sarai: I bet its a naughty orc!!!
Sarai: hehe
Kelly Kindred: spy!
Rok: *hic*
Kelly Kindred: hwere?
Sarai: hugs!
Sarai: hehe
Na’anomi: ?
Ogur: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Rak Thor: Gah!
Grut: gah!
Grut: anuder ash!
Ogur: *snarls*
Freja: lol
Grut: grut neeb cider
Rak Thor: anudder wat?
Arryn Ta’Kier: *hic*
Tengu: Aye, it is simply oo moody for me
Rak Thor: ey
Na’anomi: Lat wan tribuut?
Tyria: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
Rak Thor: watch owd fur dat breedur
Rok: *drinks troll cider*
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Ogur: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
Rak Thor: she gib lat fuud
Grut: wish breedr?
Grut: *hic*
Tyria: *hic*
Bugor: eh dis humie sellin raw fud
Grut: oo yub
Parfug: EY
Rok: *drinks troll cider*
Ogur: *head lolls about*
IsaacChickenhawk: I will be right back
Parfug: URUKS
Gorthug: *hic*
Tyria: *hic*
Ogur: *hic*
Rak Thor: she gu hug hug hug
K’Dahbruh: Yub?
Ogur: grrr
Bugor: dis under cuuked
Kelly Kindred: *curses*
Sarai: want me to cook it for you?
IsaacChickenhawk: never drank with an orc before but I need booze
Grut: *hic*
Bugor: yub
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Grut: *hic*
Tyria: *hic*
Gorthug: Nub
Bugor: lat gu cuuk it
Rok: *snarls*
Bugor: me guard fud
Gorthug: Me full!
Tyria: *hic*
Ogur: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
Bugor: while lat gone
Tengu: as do I/…*laughs
Rok: Rok tu
Sarai: hehe
Ogur: *hic*
Arryn Ta’Kier: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
Lotun Dayos: ‘lo
Bugor: gah!
IsaacChickenhawk: Sarai
Ogur: har har har
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
K’Dahbruh: Kin we take hurses wit us tu eet latur?
Tyria: *stumbles around*
Na’anomi: hello
Na’anomi: meeting over
Ogur: *hic*
Gorthug: *hic*
Lotun Dayos: yup
Grut: Hee hee hee!
Grut: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
Grut: *walks away*
IsaacChickenhawk: have ye any of the fire water?
Gorthug: yub, dat be guud
Parfug: Me wus leekin fer dat
Ogur: *hic*
Na’anomi: I got a meeting with the Safe Haven folk tomorrow
Sarai: right here!
Sarai: help yourself!
Parfug: nub ash sell
Lotun Dayos: good
IsaacChickenhawk: thank you
Rak Thor: *surrepticiously stuffs some ribs into his pockets*
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Ogur: *hic*
Arryn Ta’Kier: *hic*
Ogur: deez humies neber gunna leeb
Grut: ‘ey
Lotun Dayos: Let me know how it goes
K’Dahbruh: Fur wat?
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Ogur: *hic*
Grut: ebryash eet da fuud!
Kelly Kindred: why leave?
Grut: *hic*
Rok: *hic*
IsaacChickenhawk: come Zac
Parfug: me want horses
Kelly Kindred: still drinks
Kelly Kindred: *hic*
Kelly Kindred: to drink
K’Dahbruh: Yub?
Rak Thor: yub
Rak Thor: leds gid sum horsus
Santa’s elves: Selling GM armor to order (shadow, copper, agapite)
Santa’s elves: Freja
Rok: huge pile of shinies
Rok: *hic*

Visitors at the Bazaar

a rat: [POL Team, WAR]
Alexia D’angelis: [Landswoman, PoC]
Altarok: [SH]
Arryn Ta’Kier: [Legate, TAK]
Azlyn Moonblad
Bugor: [Battle Surjin, 0rk]
Cassandra: [Carpenter , AST]
Cothal: [Knight-Banneret, OGR, CGG]
Dugan McAlistair: [Crusader, -I-]
Dupre: [BlackSmith, R*B]
Eldroch: [Mage, SH]
Fabius Bile: [Bloodlust, ToM]
Gimb’be: [Gruntee, 0rk]
Gorthug: [Gruntee, Orc]
Grut: [Grunt, Orc]
Hatter the Mad: [-I-]
IsaacChickenhawk: [Arbiter, -I-]
Ja’Rule: [Initiate, *M*]
Justinian: [Warrior, PAG]
K’Dahbruh: [Hukor Mojoka, Orc]
Kelly Kindred
Lil Hoodlum
Lotun Dayos: [Guildmaster, *M*]
Luba’Narkuu: [Grunt, 0rk]
Mangar Of Minoc
Monte Cristo: [Crusader, -I-]
Mozart (hero)
Muldoon: [Guard, SH]
Na’anomi: [Official Guild Lacky, *M*]
Ogur: [Blak’fist, Orc]
Parfug: [Warboss, Orc]
Rak Thor: [Grunt, Orc]
Rakana: [Guard, SH]
Redgrav: [*M*]
Reginald VII
Rok: [Blak’fist, Orc]
Ryf Camphe
Santa’s elves: [Merchant Smith, SH]
Sarai: [Mother of Trade, AST]
Sir Avatar: [CrimsonArm PvP Trnr, AST]
SLAM-ODR: [Guildmaster, ODR]
Smokey: [Shadow, DC] (Order)
Sul’grek: [Gruntee, Orc]
Talarion Silver: [Mage, SH]
Tengu: [-I-]
Tyria: [Dir. of Scribes, AST]
ZacharyWingfeild: [-I-]
Zerver: [-I-]
Zoltar: [Treasure Hunter, Yew]