Don’t know what he was doing, maybe he wanted to become slave. I was on my char Rosalia at Salina’s tower; helping her with cooking some eggs to decorations.
A guy was following Mark in Salina’s tower.
Some of the comments is written in uoam,
Mark: sal
Mark: sal open ur door
Sal: yeah
Sal: its open
Mark: (Inquisitor of the Council, Council of Mages)
Mark: [Warlord, UDL]
You see: Mark
You see: Darkin The Drunk
Sal: kill him?
Sal: what are you doing?
You see: Darkin The Drunk
Mark: (Inquisitor of the Council, Council of Mages)
Mark: [Warlord, UDL]
You see: Mark
Salina: (Mystic, Council of Mages)
Salina: [Succubus, UDL]
You see: Salina
Mark: haha i don’t know
Mark: fuckin around
Mark: ur the rper look at him
Mark: he’s trying to rp HEHEHEEHE
Mark: hehehehe
Mark: he likes u
Mark: all i’m good for is pvp 😛 u know that!
Mark: tell her how beautiful she is!
Darkin The Drunk: but that could be the *hic* beer talking
Darkin The Drunk: She looks very fine, both of her
Salina: aye, you can hardly stand up you silly mortal
Mark: haha
Darkin The Drunk: *stumbles*
Darkin The Drunk: *Hic*
Rosalia: Where did you pick up that drunken guy?
Rosalia: He smell!
Darkin The Drunk: I know…
Darkin The Drunk: *Lowers head*
Mark: haha
Darkin The Drunk: I kind of stepped in some ozzy… well… you know… *hic*
Mark: He’s entertaining though!
Rosalia: put him in a water trough
Darkin The Drunk: a Bath?
Darkin The Drunk: *Hides*
Rosalia: needed
Darkin The Drunk: But…
Darkin The Drunk: It will dilout my beers
Salina: and your foul stench
Darkin The Drunk: But…
Darkin The Drunk: Hey
Darkin The Drunk: Will me smelling better give me a better chance at the ladys?
Rosalia: take pitcher of water, and
Mark: Up stars, we have a beautiful fountain!
Rosalia: need soap?
Darkin The Drunk: Ok, for yes I *hic* shal
You see: Darkin The Drunk
(he goes outside, there is some water barrels, step up in one of them and start bowing to make it look like he is taking a bath)
Sal: heh hes washing in the water barrels
Rosalia: think I had seen him befor somewhere
(he comes in again)
Darkin The Drunk: This is the first time in years, I could see without a blur!
Salina: the smells of clean mortals is bad enough
Darkin The Drunk: Wait a second….
Darkin The Drunk: You all look…
Rosalia: I like his smell better now
Darkin The Drunk: *Notes red in the eyes of Mark and Salina*
Darkin The Drunk: A bit bloody….
Rosalia: but I’m a mortal too
Darkin The Drunk: *Gasp*
Mark: *g*
Mark: *eyes glow red*
Mark: In Por Ylem – Magic Arrow
Darkin The Drunk: *Thinks to self, I’m going to die….*
You see Mark attacking Darkin The Drunk!
Darkin The Drunk: *Gasp!*
Darkin The Drunk: That hurt
Darkin The Drunk: *Bangs on Door*
Darkin The Drunk: Let me out let me out
Mark: You’re stuck!
Mark: You are a slave to Myrkul!
Darkin The Drunk: Why won’t it open?
Mark: In Jux – Magic Trap
Darkin The Drunk: *reads door knob*
Mark: In Jux – Magic Trap
Darkin The Drunk: Child Proof
Darkin The Drunk: Oh Nabbit!
Mark: hahah
Salina: *cackles*
Darkin The Drunk: Lord British and his Rules
Darkin The Drunk: Blah I say Blah!
Darkin The Drunk: Hey! Look behind you!
Salina: We follow no rules made by British
Darkin The Drunk: *Zoink*
Salina: We are the Lords of this land
Mark: We do as we please! We live like Kings!
Darkin The Drunk: Well, I must depart, I must tank you all for showing me the light of soberness
Mark: In Nox – Poison
Salina: *cackles*
Darkin The Drunk: I have not much to give you asides a few empty bottles of Rum…
Mark: In Nox – Poison
Salina: You go no where mortal….
You see Mark attacking Darkin The Drunk!
Darkin The Drunk: * Darkin The Drunk stumbles around in confusion and pain. *
Darkin The Drunk: However, I shal give you theses
Mark: I want your soul!
Salina: not alive that is
Darkin The Drunk: Before I die…
Salina: *evil laugh*
Darkin The Drunk: * Darkin The Drunk stumbles around in confusion and pain. *
Darkin The Drunk: Noo!
Mark: !!!
Darkin The Drunk: Evil this is a house of evil!
Mark: Your soul for Myrkul!
Mark: praise Myrkul!
Darkin The Drunk: * Darkin The Drunk stumbles around in confusion and pain. *
Darkin The Drunk: The poison!
Salina: Your soul now belongs to Mykul!
Darkin The Drunk: It hurts
Mark: haha
Darkin The Drunk: The pain
Darkin The Drunk: Make it stop
Mark: An Nox – Cure
Mark: Now, beg for your life!
Darkin The Drunk: Oh for the love of all thats powerfull!
Darkin The Drunk: Please
Mark: Corp Por – Energy Bolt
Darkin The Drunk: I have just seen the light!
: the remains of Darkin The Drunk
Mark: An Corp – Resurrection
Darkin The Drunk: *Smiles*
Mark: *cackles*
Darkin The Drunk: And who said roleplay is dead *chuckles* it still lives on SP!
Darkin The Drunk: Good to see really…
Salina: this mortal talks gibberish now… you gave him back flesh brother, but not his mind
Salina: *cackles*
Mark: ha!
Darkin The Drunk: hehe
Mark: Aye, RP? I know of no such thing.
Mark: Need a gate somewhere mortal?
Darkin The Drunk: Bewell folks, may the light… er darkness guide you always
Salina: I must return to my decorating, escort this mindless mortal out the door
Darkin The Drunk: Tris?
Rosalia: pick up your items
Salina: see how he survives the wilderness
Darkin The Drunk: Xas
Mark: Take your items.