Hello Former and New Ultima Online Players

My name is Freja in the virtuel world of Ultima Online, also known as Britainnia. This world was started 20 years ago in the year of 1997.

I was 43 years, when my oldest son came home with the game dec. 1997. He had been playing it at his friend on an account started with help of his friends dads credit card.

My son is a clever boy, he knew, only my computer had access to Internet and if he wanted access, he had to make me play the game. At that time, internet was a very expensive in Denmark so he paid his hours of online time himself.

He successed very well to make me play, I never stopped and the account he came home with had been my my main account for many years now.

Over the years, I have collected lots of stories about my time in the game and I want to share them, and hope some will give the game a chance, for some a second chance.

Keep eyes on the page, over the next weeks, I will add several of my stories. Some need to be rewrited first as my English was very poor, when I started to play with a dictinary at the left side of my keyboard. Over the years, I upgraded to a digital version and later we got Google Translate, that still are a great help, if I have to commucate with russian, Japaneses or other players who may have a poor English.

Welcome to my page, hope you will enjoy my stories.


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